International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals (ZMPC) 2018 will take place during Aug.5 - Aug. 9, 2018 in Japan, in parallel with TOCAT8. The symposium aims at promoting the fundamental and applied studies on microporous, mesoporou, and layered materials. The scientific program will consist of plenary and keynote lectures, and oral and poster presentations.
The Japan Association of Zeolite (JAZ) has organized a series of symposia as CMPC (Chemistry of Microporous Crystal) in 1990 (Tokyo), ZMPC1993 (Nagoya), ZMPC1997 (Tokyo), ZMPC2000 (Sendai), ZMPC2006 (Yonago), ZMPC2009 (Tokyo), ZMPC2012 (Hiroshima) and ZMPC2015 (Sapporo).